Table of model paint alternetives,Model paints conversion chart for Humbrol, Tamiya, Model Master, Gunze Sangyo, Acrylicos Vallejo and Revell. Here you can 


GSI-H420 Mr.Hobby - RLM 80 Olive Green - Semi-Gloss 10ml Gunze Aqueous Hobby Color Acrylic Paint [GSI-H420] [GSI-H420]

Thinning may be accomplished with either isopropyl alcohol or Gunze thinner, both producing super-thin, smooth coats. Gunze Sangyo acrylic numbers ar often given in Japanese kit instructions (i.e. Hasegawa) as ”black numbers in white boxes”. h420 sg rlm 81 brown violet h421 sg rlm 82 light green h422 sg chrom silber h211 m eisen iron h212 stahl steel h213 gun metal h214 gold h217 aluminium h218 gunze sangyo hobby color farbtafel / colortable die luftwaffe im modell g: gloss/glanz sg: semi-gloss/seidenmatt f: flat/matt m: metallic Mr Hobby / Gunze Sangyo Aqueous hobby colour, water based acrylic hobby paint. H420 RLM80 Olive Green Semi-Gloss (German WW2) 10ml screw top bottle H420: RLM 80 Olivgrun: H421: RLM 81 Braunviolett: H422: RLM 82 Lichtgrun: H423: RLM 83 Dunkelgrun Gunze-Sangyo Metal Color paints £3.00 (inc VAT@20%) per 35mm jar Gunze Sangyo: Model Master: RLM 01 Silber: X:X216: RLM 02 Grau: Interior colour, alos used as overall colour on prototypes: H420: RLM 81 Braunviolett: Late-war Mr Hobby Aqueous Hobby color (Also known as Gunze acrylics), high quality acrylic modelling paint from Gunze Sangyo. Flat, gloss & semi gloss finishes in 10ml bottles Gunze Sangyo H420 420 RLM 80 Olive Green Mr Hobby Acrylic Paint 10ml. More Info.

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Rua H420 RLM80 Olive Green Semi Gloss - 10 ml Acrylic Paint. H420. €2.80. View Out-of-stock temporarily (Gunze) H50 Lime Green Gloss - 10 ml Acrylic Paint. H50. €2.80.

Mr Hobby / Gunze Sangyo Aqueous hobby colour, water based acrylic hobby paint. H420 RLM80 Olive Green Semi-Gloss (German WW2) 10ml screw top bottle

34079, FS. XF-58, Tamiya. Humbrol.

Hobby Color H 420 - RLM80 Olive Green - Gunze. Hobby Color H 420 - RLM80 Olive Green - Gunze. Kód, GH420. Výrobce, Gunze. Měřítko nebo Obsah(ml) 

2,50 The full list of RLM colours available in Gunze Sangyo Aqueous is as follows: RLM02 H70 RLM04 H413 RLM23 H414 RLM65 H67 RLM66 H416 RLM70 H65 RLM71 H64 RLM74 H68 RLM75 H69 RLM76 H417 RLM78 H418 RLM79 H66 RLM80 H420 RLM81 H421 RLM81 H422 RLM81 H423 H64-H70 and H413,H414,H416-H418,H420-H423 which means H415 and H419 are not listed. The colours used were Gunze H420 RLM80 Olive Green, Gunze H303 FS34102 Green and Gunze 310 FS30219 Brown. The underside is Gunze 338 Grey. The metal panels around the exhaust are done in Alclad, specifically Stainless Steel dusted with dark aluminium and then a very thin mix of translucent blue on some of the panels. FS HUMBROL GUNZE TAMIYA RLM 01 Silber RLM 80 Olivegrun Blotches in 34079 H420 mediterranean scheme 34052 Acrylic & Lacquer Paints - Mr.Hobby (Gunze) H420 RLM80 Olive Green Semi Gloss - 10 ml Acrylic Paint.

Gunze h420

View Out-of-stock temporarily Acrylic & Lacquer Paints - Mr.Hobby (Gunze) H54 Navy Blue Semi Gloss - 10 ml Acrylic Paint. H54. €2.80.
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Metal: ChromeSilver MRMC211 € 3,25 € 2,00. In winkelwagen. Sale!

30 kr, 2080757426, 30, 1, Köp direkt  H420: Type: Acrylic: Finish: Satin: Size: 10ml: Range: Gunze Aqueous: Color viewer (beta) Feature in beta, time to complete depends on amount of diapers I need to Here is our cross-reference chart for the Gunze Sangyo Gunze Sangyo Mr.Color paints H420.
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Gunze Sangyo: Model Master: RLM 01 Silber: X:X216: RLM 02 Grau: Interior colour, alos used as overall colour on prototypes: H420: RLM 81 Braunviolett: Late-war

Included in the range are many specifically matched paints for aircraft, ship & armoured vehicle scale modelling, including FS, BS & RLM colours. RLM80 Olive Green H420 akryyli. Gunze Sangyo; öljyvärit.

Aqueous Hobby Color • Manufacturer - Mr. Hobby / GSI Creos (former Gunze Sangyo) • Thinning instructions: We highly recommend using the.

GUNZE H420 Aqueous Hobby Colors (10 ml) RLM80 Olive Green. Reference: H- 420.

Mr. Hobby Color H417 RLM76 Light Blue - Semi Gloss. 2,75 EUR. 19 % VAT incl.